Since we’re recently on the subject of bird’s nest, I think I’ve reached an age where skin care is queen and anything that will help battle the onset of lines and jowls and overall sag would get my attention. I was talking with a friend the other day who said she made a jelly out of fish scales cooked with water. We don’t know how it sets – no gelatine involved – but our guess is that there must be some natural collagen thingy in the mix, and you’re supposed to eat it to maintain the skin’s suppleness. Maybe it’s just old wives tales but she swears the fish wife who told her about this has great skin.
Unlike her scaling efforts and Elaine’s heroicism in preparing birds nest from scratch, I’ve been wimping out and opening a bottle or two of the new Brand’s Royal Superior Bird’s Nest (see campy picture with superb 'auntie' appeal above). It comes in those little glass bottles either with rock sugar or without. It’s nice and smooth and soft, and easy for even the elderly to eat – I know ‘cos we’ve been giving it to my dad, too and he doesn't swallow too well these days. For him, it’s supposed to nourish the lungs, good for boosting the respiratory tracts and clears the chest; and for me and my mum, it’s fighting lines with tooth and claw. (See the girl's taut skin in the equally 'auntie' picture below? So taught you can bounce a coin off it. Auntie here also wants!)

I’m don’t know how well it works, but according to history, loads of famous empresses and concubines ate bird's nest for health and beauty, and it was named one of the ‘four great tonic foods’ in the late Ming and early Ching. So I figure if they have sworn by this for over hundreds of years, the TCM guys probably know a thing or two that I don't. Apart from facials and creams, it may be time to bring out the big guns, fight the lines from within and raise the red lantern!
And while we're on the subject of campy photos, I couldn't resist posting this one final one (below). Don't you just lurve the glamour of it all?!
And while we're on the subject of campy photos, I couldn't resist posting this one final one (below). Don't you just lurve the glamour of it all?!
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