Picture this:
1980 flashback: bored Secretary answers phone whilst filing nails with latest diamond head nail file
1990 flashback: bored Secretary answers phone whilst SMSing boyfriend on her new Motorola
2000 flashback: bored Secretary answers phone whilst on MSN chat with cute colleague in next cubical
2010 flashback: who says the Secretary is bored? The phone is on speaker and she gives herself a daily 10 minute facelift whilst talking, waiting at the same time for the office Aunty to bring her Nespresso over. And how is she giving herself a 10 minute facelift? With Oregon Scientific's Platinum Beauty Roller of course!
Asked by the PR company in Hong Kong to try out Oregon Scientific's latest little innovation, I was thrilled to trial this gadget for a week, just to understand how I could save a trip to the plastic surgeons in favour of this facial massage tool. Designed by the Japanese (of course) this 'beauty massager/roller' comprises two rollers made of Platinum and Ceramic Alloy, elegantly encased in a wine red plastic casing and is light and easy to carry. No batteries required, you are supposed to use it as part of your beauty routine and even with make up on in the middle of a busy day. The pamphlet instructs in Japa-english "Just make facial massage, part of your daily routine for that young and glamourous look!"
How to use:
In upward strokes, first use the platinum roller that is coated with a special Spa mineral, to lift and therefore rejuvenate and tighten the inner layers of your facial skin and neck. Apparently this action has a special rhythmic 'piano touch' effect that massages and imitates fingers springing lightly on the piano keyboards. The vibration coupled with the roller design, forms a balance force to enhance lymphatic flow and enlarges the blood capillaries that transports excess water, wastes and fat to be discharged from the body making the face firmer, smoother and more radiant. The coolant roller massages and smoothens the skins outer layers. The dual action facial treatment apparently combines nourishing minerals and unique massage functions to tighten the inner layers of the skin and “massage and smoothen” the outer layers with it. No electricity needed, you can do it anytime of the day.
What it does:
1) Gives you an instant facelift in minutes
2) Restores skin's firmness and elasticity
3) Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
4) Use it with any water soluble beauty essence before you sleep at night for maximum absorption
At first, over the first few mornings and evenings, I kind of felt very silly using it and looking for effects which honestly are not instant as the benefits are actually internal. I liked the cooler as after 10 minutes of the massage and your skin warm and stimulated, it kind of feels nice to have something icy cool rolling over the skin's surface.
I got creative after a few days and one evening when I was particularly exhausted and in a horizontal position, lights dimmed and aircon at just the right temperature. With my moisture gel mask on and with the smooth cool Platinum roller massaging the product into my skin (for better absorption,of course) .. it was indeed a small slice of private heaven. A nice indulgence at HK $1,680 and a fun-to-have if you are a beauty fanatic with moments in the day that you can remember to lift and roll. Available at all Oregon Scientific stores. Have a look at the video to learn how to use: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO-O82zqS8A
- Elaine
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