Intraceutical Infusions is apparently the latest essential skincare treatment of Hollywood stars including post-50-year-old Madonna. When Madam was invited to try it out, I was admittedly highly sceptical, expecting nothing more than slick American marketing and packaging. But I tell you, there were instant results and if Elaine didn’t stop me from posting my rather unprofessionally taken photograph, I would have wanted to show you a ‘before and after’ on each side of my face. For they did half of it first so I could compare. And what did I see at the end of the treatment? Significantly reduced eye bags and lines around my nose and mouth, lightened and more even skin tone, and firmer, plumped skin overall – the effects of deep hydration I was told.

To make it really effective, you’re supposed to load up on the treatment once a week for the first six weeks, followed by monthly sessions to eke out its maximum potential.
So, face to face with Rachel Peck, who’s clients include A-listers like Eva Longoria and Madonna (whom she follows on tour to administer the treatment regularly!), I had to ask what was the elusive elixir to youthful skin? Aside from expensive treatments, the most essential basics she says is ultimately simple – stay out of the sun, use sunblock, use serums – load them on with abandon! She uses four of them at a go – and as far as possible, don’t use make up which she says compromises on the ‘quality of your skin’. That’s what her A-listers do, she says. (Hmmm – not sure if I’m convinced about the no make-up bit.)
Anyway, compared to the US$500 that these celebrities fork out for a 60 minute session, we on the other hand need to cough up S$240 a pop at Damai. It’s really good, and if weekly sessions are too pricey, it’s definitely worth doing it the day before a big event. Because like a good curry or tau yew bak, the effects improve over the next 2-3 days. And indeed I found it was indeed so. With faithful follow up using their take-home products, the effects though started to peter out after about nine days. Still it’s definitely worth a treat.
The Intraceutical Infusions offer a range of three targeted facials – the rejuvenate facial ($240) which hydrates and adds radiance, the opulence facial ($280) for whitening and evening out pigmentation, and atoxelene ($240), a top up treatment, which lifts and fills in the lines. A course of six sessions ranges from $1500 to $1600.
Faster go!
Damai Spa
Grand Hyatt Singapore
Tel: 6416 7156 for appointment or queries
Damai Spa
Grand Hyatt Singapore
Tel: 6416 7156 for appointment or queries
- by Ee Waun
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