Sunday 27 February 2011

Body - A Tip to curb those Sweet Cravings!

Chinese New Year’s over and Valentine’s Day is done. You have landed back on the ground on two feet with a belly heavier than it was before. But the sugar cravings are still there. A friend of Simplyfab, and practicing Naturopath Jean Luc Bun shares a secret to keeping the sugar fairy at bay.
His advice: “Head to the pharmacy and get yourself a bottle of Gymnema. Gymnema Sylvetre is a plant supplement that helps the body stabilize blood sugar levels as well as decrease sugar cravings.

To get full benefits, you need to taste the herb. That means either getting a liquid extract or you having to chew the tablets that they come in. The taste is fairly unpleasant, as are most herbs, but the effects discourage eating sweet foods.

A friend once described eating a piece of chocolate after having a spoonful of gymnema extract ‘like eating a squishy warm piece of fat’. Taken properly as a supplement, gymnema can help you wean off sugary foods and stay on track to a heathier waistline.”
Nothing to lose except the calories, so I say go try!

JL Bun (B.Sc., Advanced Diploma Naturopathy, Diploma Homeopathy, Diploma Botanical Medicine, Diploma Nutrition, Diploma Remedial Medicine, Diploma Beauty Therapy, Diploma Natural Beauty Therapy, CIDESCO*)
Meet Jean-Luc Bun, a Singaporean who lives in Vancouver, Canada and is a qualified clinical therapist, naturopathic physician and Spa Consultant.
He has worked in a wide range of roles in the science, healthcare, beauty and wellness industry and for international brands like Aveda, Décleor, Dr. Hauschka, Guerlain and EIG in raising their product and brand-awareness.
A consultant for international spa and wellness developments, in Australia, China, Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore, he has sat on the panel of judges for the prestigious Asia Spa Awards.
His first degree was surprisingly in molecular biology. But his personal passion for growing herbs and an interest in medicinal plants and alternative medicine led him to pursue a second degree in naturopathic healthcare.
What’s that? Naturopathy, or naturopathic medicine, is a medical system that focuses on the body’s ability to heal and maintain itself, minimizing the need for measures like surgery and unnecessary drugs to keep you on an even keel!
Have a question for Jean Luc? Email us at or leave your questions in our comments box below.

- Elaine


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